After a search through my stash I could see I needed to [scream] purchase fabric! But if you check my "fabric in and out" tally in the sidebar, you will see that I have been very good this year and it is the season for giving.........our $$$ to the retailers, LOL!
There was no grey whatsoever in my stash, and I needed more turquoise, black on white and another yard of lime green. Perhaps I should have subbed those colors but it would have meant an entirely new slate of colors so I went with Bonnie's choices.
As you can see by clicking on the Bonnie Hunter quilt parade link at the top of this page, every one of her quilts I have made, especially the mysteries has resulted in a beautiful quilt so why change now?
In the past I have made small one color adjustments viz. in Double Delight I switched from double pinks to red- but never changed the entire scheme. It is always amazing to me that even using the same colors all the participant's quilts turn out quite different. I am pleased to be able to clean out some of the smaller bits of these fabrics, although I may have new little bits left after completion of Easy Street! Sigh, what's a quilter to do?
Make another quilt, LOL!
Make another quilt, LOL!
Confined to the house unless DH chauffeurs me [post op. directives from the neurosurgeon] I used my fingers to do the walking and after a diligent search at my favorite online quilt shop, Thousands of Bolts [and only one nut!] identified the necessary additions, all seven yards, for "Easy Street".
Frustrated at having to by-pass the first couple of instructions until the rest of the fabric arrives, I found that there are enough purples and black on white to make 128 Flying Geese.
Bonnie uses her favorite method for construction of FG, but I prefer the "four at a time" method [click for directions] so that's what I am doing.
Bonnie uses her favorite method for construction of FG, but I prefer the "four at a time" method [click for directions] so that's what I am doing.

Bonnie says she called this quilt "Easy Street" because it is an easier version than she usually designs so I am hoping to catch up by Christmas? Stay tuned!
8 comments: the black on white iron fabric!
Welcome aboard. Glad to see you have something else to work on while you are housebound. ;-)
I am doing the 4x also. I have all three steps cut out but will not have 'time' to sew till holidays.
haha I got "inveigled into joining them" too and had to buy all of the colors. I stuck with Bonnie's colors for that reason, they are not "my colors" and thought it a good time to try something different. I only have 160 of step 1 done and also plan on the "heart" method for the flying geese. Hope your back pain is not bothering you so much. AK fan Debbie
Hi Debbie, I tried unsuccessfully to answer though a blog or email.
yes I am recovering from the surgeries, and hoping the residual pain will eventually leave!
Have you done any other BH quilts?
Does that B&W fabric have irons on it? That is too cute! I love Thousands of Bolts, mostly because I identify with the nut. hahaha
Entertaining post, fun fabrics. Looking forward to seeing your progress in future posts - keep 'em coming!
Your patches look fantastic. That iron fabric is brilliant! Clue 4 is nearly here – woo hoo!
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