A baby quilt, edge to edge design requested.
Peacock feathers my fastest and most useful all over design. It fits all situations.
This stunning design I made up at 2019 retreat I think. It sat there awaiting inspiration until my muse showed up and I quilted it. From the back it appears to be a "whole quilt"
And from the front you see the piecing of the design.
I just realised the pics above were from before it was bound.

Not as good a picture is it?
I plan to hang it in our new home, we are currently renovating a single storey home and adding several hundred square feet of additional space for my quilt studio and a workshop for DH. We hope to move in a couple of weeks as soon as we have a kitchen!
The next is another Hannah quilt, she is so creative her quilts are always fun to quilt and it helps that she gives me free rein!
This one is queen size, Hannah's quilts are usually large even the baby quilts are not small!
I have a blast when I can make up the quilting as I go!
The second of the two I quilted for her earlier this year I apparently forgot to photograph so I will have to see if Hannah took a photo of the entire quilt.
Another Sail Away baby quilt, this one for a girl. You can tell I love this design when I make it more than once. It was for a baby girl named Molly Grace.
I turned the scallops upside down to look like waves and at the very top and bottom went back and reversed the design so it looks sort of like fish. Maybe I should call it the "Sailfish Quilt"!
Substituting pink for yellow made it feminine without being too girly.
The next is another queen size for Linda's bed, it's been a few years in the making. It took a little fussing to get the pieced backing lined up, that's often a challenge especially where there are special insertions as in this quilt. there are several borders and I think Linda created the design to showcase all the co-ordinate fabrics.
The backing was very complicated piecing that had to be centered and I struggled a bit to get it all aligned.
I made up the quilting in this as I went along, trying to keep it cohesive with the different elements of design
I used a simple piano key in the border.
Then there were two shams to quilt .
Linda was happy with the final result!