End of this month we are expecting another baby in our church family, a girl. The baby shower was today and I needed to make a quilt-quickly!
I had another of the Minkee backed kits I had bought from Connecting Threads a few months ago and it's mostly pink, how convenient. I quilted it with a freehand all-over floral design, now it is bound and ready except for the label- I am waiting on a name for that!
The quilt had to be done this week, even without the urgency of the shower because after tomorrow my big machine will not be here to do the quilting, it is going to CA for maintenance. I have had it four years and other than my own regular attention my A-1 has had no other technical care. The local A-1 rep. is going to "Road To California" next week and kindly volunteered to lug my LA with her for the A-1 owner Stewart Plank to do a maintenance. Very nice of her and an offer I could not refuse! These big machines are fairly easy to maintain but every once in a while they benefit from a professional check-up. The Gammill longarm I had for 6 yrears before the A-1, was only once taken to a prof. for maintenance and that was right before I sold it.
I will be without "Ellie" for about week but I have plenty of other sewing, always another quilt to piece and when the LA comes back it will be in tip top shape and ready to roll!
This afternoon BJ and I sewed, she was working on a pinwheel baby quilt for her shop's challenge. I forgot to take pics but it's turning out very cute and the method is really nice and easy. I was impressed enough that I think I will use the idea for the next baby quilt I am planning for niece Brooke in Australia, expecting their third babe in a couple of months. I have heaps of baby fabrics in stash, plenty for a scrappy pinwheel quilt.

This afternoon I did get Claudia's last quilt bound, only needing a label, then I can get it to her family next month while we are in CO. I found the binding on the sale table at "Quiltz", the colors go perfectly with those in the quilt. I do not know what Claudia had in mind for the binding but I am sure she will not mind that I chose this.
I love this binding method-sew to the front, turn to the back, pin from the front. I then attach my Stitch-In-the-Ditch [SID] foot and sew carefully from the front removing the pins as I come to them.
As you can see the stitching in back is neat and in front not visible-well, not unless you get your nose practically on the quilt and use a magnifying glass, LOL!
I just don't sew binding by hand anymore, not worth it, I much prefer to use the time to make more quilts!
I am very visual and I suspect lots of quilters are too, so next time I do a binding I will make a little video and post it.