How about the title, is that a combination of unlikely events? But if you read the remainder of this posting you will understand the why.
First, I'm posting a few pics from DH & GS's snow days at our Colorado home, they arrived back in Phx. Saturday after a week of sledding, snowboarding, snowshoeing etc.
First pic is looking out the window from our downstairs guest area....

those lovely mountains in the background are 12 & 13,000ft. high.
Next you can see DH [second from left] & friends taking a break from snowshoeing at 9,000ft......

then Grandfather on sled & Logan behind with sled.....

last pic is the sled train, Daniel in front, Logan in the middle & friend Nicholas as caboose!

Seems they all had a grand old time!
Back to Phx!
The "trash" in the title refers to all the detritus? that DH hauled out of the storage shed in back, & I hauled to St.Vinnies, no pics of that aren't you glad?! When I returned from this job as we continued repacking Christmas & other sentimental bits & pieces we realized that we now have
another load for the thrift store- but that's for
another day- too large for my ML, it's an Avalanche job!
Now for the UFO- I bound & labeled the Burger Queen Mystery quilt- aka a UFO- & mailed it off to a wounded warrior. It's 50"x70", I think it turned out really pretty & DH liked it a lot so I think the soldier will too.
It's strange how a quilt can develop as you go along because I was not at all enthused about this one as I sewed the blocks, I had too much red I thought, & I didn't care for the option of arranging the blocks however we chose, but then I added that light stop border & it appears to me to really set it off -so now I am very pleased & almost sad to see it go!

The backing is a lovely soft brushed cotton from PBR textiles.......

and I quilted it with those fast & easy peacock feathers all over.

I also mailed three
QOV's to the Los Angeles VA Hospital-I have I think four more of them just needing a label & a presentation case & I'm hoping to get those ready for mailing tomorrow.
Over the holidays I was delighted to get a Christmas picture & note from a wounded warrior who received one of my QOV's- he looks well, happy & healthy which is good news indeed.
Now to the ironing board! I am pretty pleased with this collaborative effort with DH. I asked for his help to make an ironing board to fit on top of the Ikea bureau in my sewing studio so we purchased a piece of scrap MDF [52 cents!] & some half inch trim from HD, where they cut the MDF to 36"x22". DH attached the trim pieces to the underside so that it would fit neatly onto the bureau without sliding around & then I padded the top with leftover batting scraps & covered it all with that silver heat resistant fabric, 40% off at Joann. A couple of dozen staples later & voila, a perfect product made to order, isn't it grand?

The pile of little 3 1/2" 'square in a square' blocks on my new ironing board are
part of step 2 of the
Double Delight mystery......

and these little pink & green
HST's are all that I have done so far of the NY's Eve mystery..........not sure when I will get back to it but soon I hope!

It's really time to head for bed so I went to get a late night bite to go along with my late night cuppa, thought I'd have one of those yummy rum balls friend
S gave us for Christmas & see, can you see in the tin, there's just one left, lucky me!