I grew up in Australia with the custom of "Morning Tea" and "Afternoon Tea". At a minimum this consists of a good cuppa and bikkies [cookies]. If company is expected homemade cakes and biscuits, pikelets and perhaps even "scones and jam and cream" [called Devonshire Tea in Australia] would be offered.
Every self respecting woman back then had a nice collection of fine china cups, saucers and plates, Royal Winton, Royal Doulton, Staffordshire etc etc and many other names well known in the English tradition of fine bone china. To this day my 98 yrs. young Dad insists that the tea doesn't taste right unless it is in a nice bone china cup and I tend to agree with him!
The other requisite for Tea with company was a silver teapot, creamer and sugar bowl.
I have all of the above that I have shown on other VTT's!

I began my collection of china at 13 when my very English Grandma gave me my first cup, saucer and plate, it's the pale pink one second from the left on the top shelf. The set on the far right on the top shelf my Mum gave me, she chose it because the brand on it is "Roslyn" and if you enlarge the pic. you can even read my name on the cup. These have special sentimental value, both the lovely ladies that gave them to me are no longer alive. A couple of these sets were 21st. birthday gifts and two or three DH brought me from UK when he was on business.
I began my collection of china at 13 when my very English Grandma gave me my first cup, saucer and plate, it's the pale pink one second from the left on the top shelf. The set on the far right on the top shelf my Mum gave me, she chose it because the brand on it is "Roslyn" and if you enlarge the pic. you can even read my name on the cup. These have special sentimental value, both the lovely ladies that gave them to me are no longer alive. A couple of these sets were 21st. birthday gifts and two or three DH brought me from UK when he was on business.
I remember that my other Grandmother had an entire large china cabinet- probably 6-8 shelves absolutely packed with tea cup sets I don't think I ever saw so many in one place and I doubt there were any duplicates.
I gave up collecting them many years ago because I just didn't have a place to keep them or a need for them, Teas are not an American tradition.
There are a couple of other sets that are not English china, this is one, it resides on a different shelf, there isn't space for it with the others. It's different, very oriental and my senior brain can't remember who gave it to me!