My friend Gale [talented longarmer from CO] and I went to the show today and had a wonderful few hours viewing quilts and checking out the vendors. I think the highlight was meeting the amazing Renae Haddadin at her well stocked booth with a full array of her wonderful tools so Gale was able to purchase just the LA rulers she has needed for her work.
Renae [on the left] is a very friendly and down to earth lady and happy to share information and tips on longarming, we were delighted to have met this quilter whose beautiful work we have long admired.
There were too many adorable and enticing patterns in the vendor booths and Gale bought a few! Our favorite booth was that of Jane Tenorio-Coscarelli with her clever, fun Day of the Dead fabrics and patterns.
This is just one of the many irresistible designs, Gale has tasked me with making her an apron from it!
The giraffe wall hanging pattern below was another too cute to pass up - Gale and I hope to get together in April to make one each.
The background is one piece of fabric while the giraffe is all raw edge applique and the entire piece is quilted in straight lines in both directions, it should be fun.
Next came the actual quilt show! First the fabric challenge quilts, below are four that really caught our attention.
I love this elegant elephant
Aren't they smashing colors?
Then some modern quilts, it was interesting how many were on display and also how we were attracted to them, both the design and the clever quilting. Modern quilting has really taken off the past few years.
I am enlarging some of these to show quilting detail
Cute bunny and imaginative quilting
This was interesting, very 3 dimensional so different it really stood out
This one made me wonder if that's what an LSD trip is like, psychedelic mushrooms?! The judges liked it!
The next two quilts are displayed by a friend so I was delighted to see her work and the ideas she is currently exploring.
Up close you do not see the design you have to step away to get the picture.
Very clever with all the faces and ties and the wording quilted into the design.
Interesting embellishments, "Good taste is the worst vice ever invented" it says!

A colorful city scape
This one is for all my "sister" quilters, hear us roar quilt!
Too cute for words, it's called "Forbidden Fruit" from the "Wicked Appetite Series"!
This one appealed to me simple design and gorgeous modern quilting.
Another modern quilt with interesting angles and a dash of color, more terrific quilting.
And more lovely quilting
Simple design of the trees and understated quilting
Clever piecing no quilting required.
Tomorrow I will show the remainder of the quilts I photographed, mostly more traditional and some super grand prize winners.