Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day, May 10th. 2009

In memory of my beautiful Mother & for all the Mums, especially those of my acquaintance, may you always be blessed with the love of your children.
And for all the bereaved Mothers, I send comfort & love.
I have heard it said that it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after giving birth to a child- people who say this do not realise that after giving birth life is never normal again!


Miri said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too Roslyn!

Loretta said...

Happy Mother's Day to my dear friend...hope you are enjoying your stay in you and miss you

farmlady said...

Life becomes what I call "The new normal" when we lose someone dear or something tragic happens. I have had things change my life but loosing a child would be the worst of all. I don't think I could find a "new normal" if this happen.
I thought about you today Roslyn and said a prayer for this new friend who has chosen to be strong and brave and make quilts for others. You are an example to us all.

Reddirt Woman said...

Those that say it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after having a child... probably never had a child.

I hope you are having a great time in Australia.
