Sunday, February 24, 2008

I was tagged!

I was Tagged by Khris, but I told her I don't really "know" 7 other bloggers! Well, I guess I know some names of other SB's who blog, but is it fair to tag them & anyway I am really not sure how to go about it!
I don't know that I can think of 7 interesting things about me either, but I'll try!
1-Most people are shocked to discover that my oldest son is 41-& I had finished my education & got married before he was born!
2-I am actually shy & I am a true introvert[ my husband & oldest son are complete extroverts!]
On the Myers Briggs test I am INFJ.
3- I am also ADD[Attention Deficit Disorder]
4-I am 6th. generation Australian, descended from an Irish convict Isaac Wyse, who was transported to Australia for 14 years in 1809, because "he was found in possession of counterfeit coin". His sons Henry[lawyer] & David[ doctor] followed Isaac to Australia, & Henry is my ancestor. My maternal Grandfather's name was also Henry Wyse.
5-I used to play fiercely competitive tennis & have a box of trophies[somewhere in the storage shed]!
6- I hate to dust, so I pay a cleaner every two weeks to save us from being suffocated by dust!
7-This is neither random nor weird but basic to the core of who I am-I am a deeply spiritual Christian, I committed my life to the Lord Jesus Christ when I was about 12 years old at a Billy Graham Crusade at the Sydney Cricket Ground. My missionary nurse Aunt Mary took me there.
Now I have to tag 7 others? Let me think on that!

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