Before I returned home from the pain clinic yesterday I stopped at a few thrift shops as I am on a hunt for a pet carrier for Button dog- she is flying to Boston with us in April. It is within my personality to become quite analytical about such things so it must be just the right carrier! If I don't find what I want in a thrift store in the next couple of weeks I will resort to ordering online but there are a plethora of styles and colors and BJ says to check the thrift stores because they always have them. Of course they are all out of them now because last weekend was the 50% off sale! Drat.

I think I want something like this, it's Sherpa which appears to be the most popular carrier and I like the shape and the fact that it's softer and is open enough for Button to easily see the world around her. She would fit perfectly in the medium but I am considering the large instead to allow her a bit more space. However, if I am doing the thrifty/reuse thingy my choices will of course be limited, whereas if I were to splurge and buy a new one I'd have a plethora of them from which to choose. If I had my choice I would get a girly pink one but DH says Button isn't that kind of girl dog, so we will probably end up with something sedate! I think he's also rather mortified at the image of himself walking around the airport with a hot pink pet carrier [ROFL] !

If you have experience in air travel in cabin with a pet I am interested to hear comments and advice from your viewpoint. Button is a well behaved dog, obedience trained and friendly and pretty mellow most of the time. The flights are about six+ hours in the air with one stop around the halfway mark. However, you are not supposed to remove the pet at any time during the stay in the airport or during the flight so I want her to be comfy as possible. The only time you are allowed to remove them is to process through security when the carrier goes though the x-ray machine and you carry the dog through the human security screen.
My thrift shopping wasn't a total loss though because I found this great bargain for young Matthew, a VTech PC Fun Plus. I had priced them new at a great deal more [$50-60] and even used on eBay starting at $25 with shipping.
It was marked $1.99, but I got 25% senior discount so it was all of $1.49, no tax!
Sometimes it pays to be old, LOL.
So home it came with me and had a good sanitizing and 4 new AA batteries and it works perfectly, there isn't even a scratch on the screen! There are some things he can do with it now but it will grow with him because it has addition and subtraction as well as spelling.
Woohoo, that was a lucky day!