This step was little stress & strain, except that I made way too many of one kind that are now in the orphan block box & that seems to grow weekly! Step 3 is very scrappy, on the eeeuuuwww end of the kitchen sink scale, though I do love using scraps & haven't yet made a dent in mine but it is early days for my focused use of leftover/ignored/rejected fabrics. This is the last step of the OC that will require scraps- Bonnie has told us that in step 4 we begin to use our chosen yardage .
Today I finished piecing the pink bargello & I'm glad because it's a bit boring to piece! I plan to use the backing fabric at the bottom of the picture for borders, I did the math & I have just enough yardage.
I had Andrew & Lana's little Yorkies today, I offered doggie day care when Lana needs to stay for an extended day at the shop so that the little dogs don't have to be shut up for so long. They enjoy the couple of miles we walk in the park & the freedom to go in & out to the backyard with Button through the dog door. There are coyotes & rattlesnakes [& probably Gila Monsters & maybe mountain lions] out where they live so a dog door in their home is out of the question. When we were in the park this morning I took a photo of Matthew's memorial which was placed last week but unfortunately the date is wrong, 2007, it should read 2006 & as yet we are not sure how it will b
e corrected. We were however very pleased to see that the Palo Brea tree we planted in mid December finally came back to life after lacking leaves or any other sign of life since January. I really thought it was past help but these native desert plants are extraordinary in their ability to survive.
This lovely hybrid yellow rose we planted in our backyard memorial garden last weekend is covered in blooms, it is such a bright splash of color out there. Most of the colorful plantings are very new and they are not so far adding much variety to the garden. Another month & that should change just in time for us to leave for Colorado for a few weeks!