Friday, September 24, 2010

The Beach-And More Lobster!

We drove about 20 minutes to Hamurock Beach Friday morning, what a lovely spot. Our family has connections with the family that owns the cottage in this fabulous location!
The setting is like something out of a movie set, I kept expecting to see Robert Redford [The Great Gatsby] or some one like that to appear on the scene, but no, it was just our family!
These are my very happy sandy feet after a long walk on an almost deserted beach.
I really miss the ocean, having been landlocked for so long. Maybe the owners would trade a week at the beach for a week in the Colorado mountains.............
DH and I look pretty happy don't we?!
We ate lunch in Brantrock, shrimp BLT's, and at the next table sat Joey Kramer, "Aerosmith" drummer and his wife! That may mean more to some than others, LOL, depending on your vintage and musical preferences. After a little internet exploration I discovered that "Arthur and Pat's" restaurant just happens to be Joey's favorite.
The white Mercedes in front of the restaurant is Joey's, and there you have our only claim to fame, eating in the same place at the same time as this famous musician!
Do not ask me what he was eating I couldn't tell and didn't want to look nosy and starstruck!
On the drive home we spotted this unusual fence, vintage doors re-purposed to good use, they are so unusual and a charming addition to the landscape that I had to have a picture.
This is the house to which the fence belongs, and I thought that it too deserved a plug.
That same night we feasted on seafood, shrimp for starters,
Lobsters [third time in a week for me]......
yummy scallops seared in a little olive oil and roasted garlic,
and lest you think it was an unbalanced meal there was corn on the cob and salad, but after all that ocean fare I had no room for anything like that!

And a great bottle of red doesn't hurt.........
, Saturday evening and we are back in AZ. to triple digit temperatures, so on Tuesday I will be off to CO. for a week -ten days with hopes that AZ will have cooled off a bit before I return.


Pat said...

That looks like a wonderful little vacation you took! (I must confess I'd not have recognized the Aerosmith drummer!!!)

Carol said...

Looks like fun! Ros - Are you going to the retreat this weekend? Can you bring me a pattern for your cross wall hanging or else one for me to drool over! Looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the San Juan Quilters! And it is still triple digits here in Las Vegas too! Blessings, Carol

Karen said...

Love the doors in the fence. It makes me imagine little paths running off behind each one.
A fun pic!

Khris said...

OMG looks fantastic and looks like you both had a great time...hugs Khris