Sunday, December 16, 2018

Catching Up A Bit On Quilting!

Life here has been super busy, I cannot even begin to tell it all!
Below is another of Angela's quilts, 54" square and another Bonnie Hunter design. I really like this quilt and had fun quilting it. Angela use two different blocks, together making an eye catching secondary design.
So I repeated two different quilting designs freehand 
 and made an interesting pattern on the back.
 Standard piano key in the border.
Last Saturday was the QOV presentation for Sgt. David Stassenhofer. I only have a couple of photos from my camera but many more were taken that I hope to get!
 Many of his friends from the Patriot Guard showed up. Across Arizona, David was the lead flag bearer at the funerals of the Fallen for many years and as such was called"Flag Dud".
 Below, the presentation case with his name.
 Custom quilting was the only way to go with this quilt to show off it's red, white and blue beauty. Several friends from my Sew Creative MeetUp group contributed blocks for the so I did not have to make them all, and no two are quite alike but together they make a stunning patriotic display for a military hero.
  And I aways love the solid fabric back that makes a whole quilt on it's own.

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