On vacation, quilting related days are few and this is another post void of anything in the sewing arena. However tomorrowI hope to sew with my great niece, I am teaching her to make a little quilt.
Saturday we attended the AOPA air show in Plymouth, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association sponsors these events around the country and they are well organized and very well attended.
Entry is free, and there are maybe hundreds of small aircraft on display along with a few helicopters.
There were tents with different aviation related vendors, and classes for pilots wanting to update their education and knowledge. Even for those who know nothing about aviation I think this would have been interesting, my knowledge is not broad, just what I have gleaned from being married to a helicopter/fixed wing pilot these many years!.
It was quite warm and we were there over lunch time, thankful for the fine selection of gourmet food trucks with every kind of food for every taste.
We chose to eat here, from the
"Radish" truck, and it was a great choice.
These two energetic young guys, Timothy and Sean were working hard and fast to serve the long line and I loved their attitude as well as the food. It was hot and humid and they were not allowing the weather to affect their cheerful service. You can read more about this business
We wandered around a couple of hours and checked out the many different styles and sizes of aircraft on display from this large boat plane
and high wing commuter
to this cute little high wing model, the plane not the guy!
And everything in between!
I took pictures of what looked most interesting to me, some were for sale and I liked the modern canopy design
color and wing shape that appealed
or just because they were cool!
This one seemed very futuristic looking to me with the canopy design...
They were really wedged in there, plane on top of plane on top of plane,
it must have been a challenge to fit them in without damage.
Now this one would be easy to find, canary yellow, another high wing quite a few here today!
A corporate plane I guess.
This is kind of a cute little model, again the aircraft not the guy!
I think this was one of only two jets, all the rest had props.
These two were the last I photographed, nice paint jobs.

DH of course is the pilot who took us here and we got free food on account of his AOPA membership.
It was an interesting way to spend a few hours, the kids quite enjoyed it and I think The Boy would have, some of the owners allowed the kids to sit in the planes.
One would have to be "plane" crazy, pun intended, to do this very often but once every few years is fine!