This afternoon I had to pick up one of my DSM's from it's annual check-up and since "Heirlooms For Hospice" is in the next block I cruised by [ostensibly to drop off a donation] and inspired by the beautiful "embroidered ladies" in a previous post on our Fall quilt retreat, just happened to enquire if they had any vintage hankies!
"Oh yes, a box full" they said!
Here is the "loot"- I managed to restrain myself and chose carefully. Oh, and I thoughtfully left a few for someone else, I didn't hog them all.
There are six pieces here that seem brand new, quite large and a fine linen they may have been meant for a gentleman but are certainly a nice size for table napkins and that's what I have in mind for them. They are beautifully hemstitched.
See the drawn thread work, I remember doing that myself as a child!
So there you have it, twenty four in all, a dime a piece ladies!!! Sorry for the triple exclamations but this is amazing, and I complain that I never find deals like the rest of you vintage collectors but today was my day for a bargain.
I am an old fashioned woman, I always carry a clean hanky just like my Mumma taught me.
Oh add a couple more WHIMMs [Works Hidden In My Mind] to my list would you.
These are all beautiful!
Fantastic!! I also collect these and right now I am seriously envious of this wonderful find. You lucky girl! Thanks for sharing and enjoy...;p
They are all so beautiful!
Great purchase. Vintage hankies are one of my weaknesses!
The ladies used to have such pretty handkerchiefs. You found really lovely ones.
You got a great buy!!! (I'll triple exclamation point that one too) I see vintage handkerchiefs anywhere from $1.00 to $3.00 so 10 cents is a steal. You got some very pretty ones too.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
That's a great bargain. Some of them look like they would be good for making handkerchief dolls. I bought a kit once to make a handkerchief doll but have never got around to making it.
Oh wow, what a bargain for 10c each!!! They would be $2 or $3 at an antique shop. Great find!
These are absolutely charming!! And I always think of the thin, soft fabrics of old handkerchiefs as "fine lawn" from the writings of the eras when hankies were as much a part of the ensemble as hats and gloves.
I do believe the butterfly would have been a daring addition to a dashing costume, tucked into a lady's decolletage JUST SO.
Honestly they are just beautiful! Its amazing what you can find for so little! Ive gotten those kinds of things for very little too...sometimes as part of a 'fill your bag for this much'... and its kind of sad sometimes. I know these things were cherished and well cared for...
24? Are you sure you left some for other thrifters? :-)
I love your hankie finds. The ones with the crochet are very pretty. I especially like the one with the butterfly design on it.
You got a great deal on those pretty hankies.
thanks for sharing them.
What an amazing deal. My grandmother used to crochet the edges of hankies. The butterfly one is pretty spectacular.
Wow! You got some great deals! I like the butterfly one the best! :)
Vintage Thingie Thursday!
Oh.My.....what a day you had! I would have snatched them all up...I just love the butterfly, so pretty.
Have a great weekend and a wonderful VTT!!
One of the few things that I have and cherish is a dainty little hankie that was my mom's. She always had a hankie in her purse to wipe a mess from a child's face or a tear from their eyes or her eyes.
Thank you for this beautiful little hankie post.
they're all faves are the lacy ones
Beautiful! You are so lucky!
I always try to find them for my Mom. She too advocates the hanky in your purse. I haven't quite caught the habit yet, but hankies always reminds me of my mother. Great find!
What a fabulous deal on the hankies! That butterfly hankie hand work is amazing! :)
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